Here's to the Dads!

We are on the brink of celebrating Independence Day here, but I neglected to post about a recent holiday - Father's Day. We have plenty of reasons to look forward to Father's Day around here; I am blessed with a fantastic dad (Pop to my kiddos), wonderful father-in-law (Grampa to my kiddos), and of course an incredible husband who is such a great dad to our children. To remind these guys why we love them so much and how much we appreciate them, we like to make little handmade gifts for them. The kids spend hours drawing and coloring cards they design themselves, adding just the right touches with rubber stamps, scented markers, and stickers. For my dad, whom the kids affectionately call Pop, we made a card shaped like a box of popcorn, proclaiming "To the best Pop in the World." I cut out popcorn-shaped pieces of card stock for the kids to each write their own sentiments to their Pop and tucked them inside the card. For my father-in-law, who ...