Here's to the Dads!

We are on the brink of celebrating Independence Day here, but I neglected to post about a recent holiday - Father's Day.  We have plenty of reasons to look forward to Father's Day around here; I am blessed with a fantastic dad (Pop to my kiddos), wonderful father-in-law (Grampa to my kiddos), and of course an incredible husband who is such a great dad to our children. 

To remind these guys why we love them so much and how much we appreciate them, we like to make little handmade gifts for them.  The kids spend hours drawing and coloring cards they design themselves, adding just the right touches with rubber stamps, scented markers, and stickers. 

For my dad, whom the kids affectionately call Pop, we made a card shaped like a box of popcorn, proclaiming "To the best Pop in the World."  I cut out popcorn-shaped pieces of card stock for the kids to each write their own sentiments to their Pop and tucked them inside the card.
For my father-in-law, who loves playing the guitar, I made a 12x12 collage for his music room.  I cut guitar pick shapes out of wood-grain paper, mounted them on sheet-music paper, and then glued updated photos of the kids on the guitar pick shapes.  The kids chose the saying "We couldn't pick a better Grandpa" to put in the center of the collage.

For my husband this year, we decided to go with an Avengers theme.  After all, he is the kids' superhero!  I took 10x10 canvasses and painted symbols representing Thor, Spiderman, the Hulk, and Captain America.  I made each symbol in a circle shape to keep them cohesive and painted a word on each in comic book lettering that represented Chris.  The kids posed with these paintings, and I used the photos on a photo block for Chris' office.  The top of the block has a pic of all four kids saying "Dad, you are our superhero!"  On one side, Gabi poses with Thor's symbol and "You are as mighty as Thor."  The next side has David with Spiderman's symbol and "You are as amazing as Spiderman."  The third side shows Mikey with the Hulk's symbol and "You are as incredible as the Hulk."  And the last side depicts Hosanna with Captain America's symbol and "You are as legendary as Captain America."  We gave him the photo cube and the paintings - the photo cube went to his work office, and the paintings are now hanging in his home office.

Good dads are pretty amazing people.  I am so grateful that God gave me such a godly, loving dad.  I am blessed to see those same characteristics in my husband as he strives to be a good dad to our children.  I pray for them every day to the best dad of all, my Heavenly Father who is my refuge and comfort and strength.  


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