The Barbell and I

I'm sitting at the dining room table with a protein shake and bulletproof coffee, a familiar place after my garage workouts. Earlier, before I hit the weights in the garage, I was sitting here too, eating a little and reading my Bible. These are routines that have not changed for a long time, and I don't plan on changing them, either. There is a comfort in routine and schedule and "this is the same every day." However, when it comes to working out, I admit that I had gotten into a rut. I was going through the motions, which I suppose was better than doing nothing at all, but I was bored and definitely not seeing muscle growth or definition. I knew that that had to change. I needed something to motivate me, challenge me, force me to grow in my workout space. (pull-ups and push-ups, I'm looking at you!) (in my "gym", complete with refrigerator and tool bench, haha) A few months ago, when I was still on social media (yep, Instagram an...