
Showing posts from March, 2018

Almond Joy Fat Bombs

I have been eating a ketogenic diet now for almost four months.  If you are unfamiliar with the term, a ketogenic diet (usually just referred to as Keto) consists of high fats, moderate protein, and very low carbs.  A person on Keto will adjust into ketosis, which means the body will begin to produce ketones by the breakdown of fats in the liver.  The goal of the Keto diet is to force your body into burning those ketones for energy, helping with weight loss, energy levels, health in general, and mental benefits.  There's a lot more to it of course, but those are the basic facts.  My husband started eating the Keto way last summer and has stayed consistently on it since then.  He has lost almost seventy pounds this way and has experienced other health benefits as well, such as better sleep and highly increased energy levels.  In fact, it was the visible increase of his energy that inspired me to try Keto, as I did not have weight to lose.  In an...

Teaching Kids to Worship with Art

Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, is almost upon us.  Usually, this is a jam-packed time of year in which I remember at the last minute to frantically hard boil some eggs and then dye them with the kids. (We must make memories, after all!)  This year, however, we are blessed to have our week of spring break right before Easter; so I technically have no excuses.  And while dying eggs is fun and hunting for said eggs is always an anticipated adventure, I try to make them just a small part of our celebration. Easter is, after all, not about candy or colorful eggs or fun activities.  It marks the most important event in world history - world-changing on a global scale and life-changing on a personal scale. On this day, Jesus Christ conquered death by rising from the grave and ascending to Heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.  "Oh death, where is thy sting?  Oh grave, where is thy victory?"  Through this superhuman act, Jesus Christ was able to do ...

Teaching at a School with Small Class Sizes and Leveled Instruction

I have the privilege of teaching at a most unique school.  It's hard to explain the concept of this school that has benefited my life and the lives of my own children.  Basically, our school takes students who are behind in their academics/social skills, students who are right on par with their peers, and students who are gifted in one or more areas of study and works with them one-on-one to help them achieve their highest potential.  Many of our students do not do well in a traditional, large-classroom setting; so our school offers them a sanctuary from their anxieties and fears and gives them a place where they are able to progress at their own rate without fear of comparison or judgment. If that sounds amazing and fantastic, it is!  It is also a lot of hard work.  This year, I teach twelve students who have various skills and abilities.  Some of these students are all over the board academically.  For example, one of my students is in 6th grade re...